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Our Mission

The Anne Arundel Alliance for Livable Communities is a coalition of local and state organizations advocating for well-managed growth and environmental protections to safeguard and enhance residents’ quality of life. 


The Anne Arundel County Alliance for Livable Communities is a non-partisan coalition. ALC is not aligned with any candidate and does not make endorsements. ALC will meet with any candidate upon request to discuss our mission and priorities.

To achieve our vision for Anne Arundel County, we will focus our efforts on the county General Development Plan (GDP), Regional Plans, Master Plans and the City of Annapolis Comprehensive Plan updates, especially in five key areas.

1. Fostering citizen awareness and engagement on growth issues.
2. Increasing transparency and public participation in the county’s planning and development processes.
3. Advising decision makers on fiscally and environmentally acceptable growth, and holding them accountable.
4. Speaking out for drinkable, swimmable, fishable water and clean air.
5. Promoting communities that are livable, workable, walkable, and bikeable.

Priority Issue

Development of Plan2040, the new GDP has been completed, and work on Regional Area Planning has begun. The Anne Arundel County Alliance for Livable Communities is a coalition of dozens of county and state organizations representing tens of thousands of county residents. The Alliance is focused on ensuring that the new GDP  and following Regional Area Plans:

  1. Represent transparent processes that offer meaningful opportunities for public engagement throughout.

  2. Presents a path to an economically and environmentally sustainable future.

  3. Fully integrate land use, transportation, environment and public facilities and services so that development does not outpace our infrastructure at the expense of quality of life.  More...


Regional Planning continues

Draft Land Use and Zoning Change maps for Regions 1, 3, and 9 are now available for review and comment at the

Regional Planning Hub.

Also visit the Hub for news, events, updates and meeting recordings. 

© 2017 by Alliance for Livable Communities.

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